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Latest Articles : 2020

Many would have assumed that Namibia, a nation with a population of 2.5 million, would have been able to effectively prepare for the negative economic impact caused by COVID-19, having seen how some European economies had struggled to stay afloat as COVID-19 spread across the continent, with governments imposing restrictions to slow the spread of the virus. These restrictions (imposed by European governments) curbed and in some cases shut down entire economic sectors. Whilst Europe recorded i ...

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2021-Jul-06 12:10:36

Human resources are the heart of every organisation. They can make or break an organisation, depending partly on how they are coping and how they are managed. In the past months, South Africa and the world have been hit by a health pandemic, COVID-19, whose repercussions are unprecedented. Emotional reactions of employees to the pandemic itself, to the illnesses and loss of loved ones present an unparalleled challenge to managers within organisations. As organisations continue to adapt to cha ...

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2021-Jun-28 17:23:16

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a trail of untold damage in many countries, and there is no foreseeable end to its spread. Besides the loss of life, the impact of the virus on the economy and small businesses, in particular, is not yet clear. Even so, the policies aimed at containing the spread of the virus have exerted further pressure and uncertainty on the survival of small businesses in general and immigrant-owned business in particular. This study explored the pockmark of COVID-19 on immi ...

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2021-Jun-28 17:19:02

The advent of the COVID-19 global health pandemic in South Africa has exposed the existence of overcrowded informal settlements as a major threat to human health and further tested the government's capacity for disaster management. In the emergency responses provided by the government to mitigate the spread of the pandemic in the overcrowded settlements, it was found that there was weak coordination and accountability at the sector level, and indicators of non-compliance were identified. ...

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2021-Jun-28 17:16:39

The South African public procurement regime is marred by several challenges that manifest in a range of ways. Among these, corruption is the main protagonist. More concretely, the corrosive effect of corruption is immense, regressive and much decried by the proponents of a fair, transparent, equitable and accountable public tendering system. Like never before, the constitutional entrenchment of accountability and transparency has come under serious threat during the COVID-19 global pandemic. ...

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2021-Jun-28 17:14:22

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a new era in almost all spheres of life as it changed the traditional ways people used to operate. The world was compelled to quickly adjust to the challenging and changing times hence putting acid tests to governments' reactivity, budgets and adaptability. Business, travel, communication, transport, trade and all other spheres of human life were severely affected and the education sector was not spared either. The South African government ha ...

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2021-Jun-28 17:10:40

COVID-19 saw the state emerging as a superactor in the management of public affairs, with more welfare-oriented programmes being introduced. As with many countries hard hit by the pandemic, South Africa had to strike a balance between prevention and mitigation efforts and other competing needs of society such as the efforts to stabilise and grow the economy. This article takes stock of some of the major shifts in policy that were necessitated by efforts to adapt to the pandemic crises. The ar ...

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2021-Jun-28 17:08:05

The aim of this article is to assess and determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Eastern Cape Government Department's budgets, with special reference to the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (DCoGTA). The Department is mandated by the Constitution of Republic of South Africa to support both municipalities and traditional leadership institutions, and therefore any severe budget cut would have significate negative effects on the quality of the support ...

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2021-Jun-28 17:05:58

The year 2020 saw many governments around the world introducing strict lockdown interventions to minimise the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) cases. The primary reason for imposing lockdowns early was due to governments' fear of public health systems being overwhelmed with patients. However, despite these measures, there were already reports from media outlets during March 2020 of public health systems from developed countries such as Italy being pushed to the brink of collapse by the surge ...

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2021-Jun-28 17:03:03