Published Articles

Latest Articles : 2008

Evaluation is a modern term for a practice that dates back to antiquity. It has an international, transnational and global dimension. The elasticity of evaluation implies that evaluation is carried out by governments in different countries covering a wide range of activities. The diversity of evaluands, approaches, influences and practices hold important lessons for countries contemplating to adopt the evaluation technique. This article sketches the state of evaluation in 21 countries across ...

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2021-Jun-16 09:47:20

Good governance and best practices as important institutional prerequisites feature prominently in the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and documents that were developed to enhance the social and economic development of Africa and its regions, such as the Southern African Development Community (SADC). In fact, the fourteen countries in the SADC endeavour to create an economic and monetary union by 2016. This implies inter alia the establishment of a respected and independe ...

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2021-Jun-16 09:43:43

The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) is a concerted effort by Africa's political leaders to develop a comprehensive and integrated strategic policy framework aimed at raising the current levels of socioeconomic development and reduces the high levels of poverty across Africa. The article examines the need for establishing the NEPAD and further investigates the level of leadership challenges facing the initiative. The article also explored some strategies that could ass ...

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2021-Jun-16 09:39:59

In recent years, globalisation has seen global civil society institutions at different levels getting involved in politics of nation states. Observance of human rights, good governance and the upholding of democratic principles have been areas of emphasis by global civil society where nations of the world have made concerted efforts to uphold these. Zimbabwe has been one of the African countries that have attracted international attention on the above issues of governance. Global, regional an ...

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2021-Jun-16 09:34:27

Citizen participation is acknowledged in the governance and development discourse, as a mechanism for building capacity in the rural poor in the quest for poverty reduction and good governance. This article synthesizes recent studies on Uganda's decentralised system of local governance and examines the extent to which participation in local programmes has enhanced the process of rural development. It is argued that, while some participatory framework exists as a result of devolving some p ...

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2021-Jun-16 09:28:58

The Government of Uganda has decentralised health services since 1993. Despite the positive achievements as a result of this reform process compared to the period during centralisation, the indicators are not impressive. Several challenges still remain. These challenges include: the nature of the health care strategy; access and utilisation of health facilities; funding; ineffective integration of top-down or vertical donor programmes into decentralised systems; weak management; inadequate pl ...

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2021-Jun-16 09:20:05