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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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Green growth transitions through a green infrastructure approach at the local government level : case study for the Gauteng City-Region

Author: K. Bobbins C. Culwick

Affiliation: Gauteng City-Region Observatory

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2021-07-06 17:26:43

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: Green growth transitions through a green infrastructure approach at the local government level : case study for the Gauteng City-Region

The risks associated with rapid urbanisation and climate change have highlighted the need to reconfigure the growth and development trajectories of cities and economies both internationally and locally. Cities around the world are exploring opportunities, such as the green growth agenda, to achieve sustainable development through innovative approaches to planning and delivering urban infrastructure and services. The concept of green infrastructure (GI) has emerged internationally as a way to foster economic growth and development using natural or man-made assets to provide resources and environmental services. GI is a set of natural and man-made ecological systems that provide services to society, such as flood attenuation, water and air filtration, and microclimate regulation, which can be used as an alternative, or partner to traditional infrastructure. As infrastructure policies are central to the implementation of a successful gr