South Africa has had its fair share of fortunes and misfortunes since the inaugural democratic dispensation. What characterised the Mandela era (1994-1999) has been referred to as the reconciliation era wherein business bought into the much-vaunted social contract. However, this period did not bring in the much needed trust; the Mbeki era (1999-2008) came to be known as the African renaissance era with emphasis on transformation of the racially skewed structure of ownership and management within the corporate sector and the introduction of the black economic empowerment mantra, unfortunately, the Zuma era (2009 - 2014) cannot be characterised as yet since there is no clear vision relating to economic outlook, this include the highly contested National Development Plan 2030 (NDP) by some in the alliance and, what should characterise this administration's relations with business. This could be attributed to the conflicted coalition