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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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ISSN : 2
Determining the role of academics in teaching and improving of public administration in the 21st century

Author: X.C. Thani V.P.P. Disoloane

Affiliation: University of South Africa

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2022-05-15 21:22:07

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: Determining the role of academics in teaching and improving of public administration in the 21st century

Public administration studies government functions including the implementation of government policies. It prepares public officials for careers in the public sector. As it is diverse in scope, it aims at advancing management and policies so that the government can function effectively. To better perform their functions, values such as equality, fraternity and democracy need to be inculcated in public officials. It is important to note that Higher Education Institutions need to intervene in training public officials in order to promote human development. This, in turn, poses an interesting paradox for Public Administration. Concerns such as the relevancy of public administration teaching and learning remain a huge challenge. Therefore this article examines the role of academics in improving public administration in the 21st century. This will be done by exploring the current challenges that public administration faces in the South Af