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Journal of Public Administration (JOPA)

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ISSN : 2
Enhancing local economic development in resourced areas in Africa - an investigation of the efficacy of public participation model / processes in the resourced Niger Delta regions of Nigeria : the case of Ogba community

Author: I.U. Ile

Affiliation: I.U. Ile University of the Western Cape

Source: Journal of Public Administration, 2022-04-19 19:31:34

Accreditation: Department of Higher Education and Training(DHET)

Abstract: Enhancing local economic development in resourced areas in Africa - an investigation of the efficacy of public participation model / processes in the resourced Niger Delta regions of Nigeria : the case of Ogba community

The Niger Delta region in Nigeria is a well resourced region and accounts for most of Nigeria's foreign exchange earnings through the supply of petroleum oil to the international market. While it has been a source of economic benefit for the nation state - Nigeria, it has also become a source of poverty for the millions of local residents in the areas where crude oil has been discovered. Ogba community which provides the site of this investigation is no different. This is primarily because of the loss of local and economically productive livelihood through the continuous devastation of the environment as a result of the oil exploration activities and limited employment opportunities in this area. The communities of the Niger Delta and Ogba community specifically and prior to oil exploration were self sufficient. Most were farmers, hunters and fishermen but these activities have been affected due to a range of environmental occurr