The greatest enemy that faces mankind in the twenty first century, after the effects of World War II, is undoubtedly, the syndrome HIV / AIDS. It is a World War III in that it has mankind of all nations as targets. The predominance however, is in Africa, in view of the causal factors that emerge from general underdevelopment. The pandemic has already taken toll on governance issues for African governments. In South Africa the effects of the dreaded disease are equally severe. It is estimated that by 2008, 6 million South Africans could be infected by the disease; and average life expectancy is likely to fall from 60 to 40 years. Over the next decade the number of employees lost to AIDS could be the equivalent of 40 percent of the available workforce. The disease is proving expensive in terms of rising cost of employee benefits, labor turnover, on staff morale, shortage of skilled labour, and a reduction in GDP growth rates. The above