How does one even begin to speak about Professor Hanyane in the past? On Wednesday, 11 May 2022, many seemingly perfect lives came to a piercing, screeching, gut-wrenching standstill when we learned about the passing of our beloved colleague, professor, scholar of note, mentor and friend. Life as we knew it was no longer copacetic; in fact it was far from it. Temporarily, it became a world of confusion, unbelief and horrific sadness. To me, at the time, it felt like my world was spinning, my rational thinking labored. It took me some time to come to terms that, indeed, such a great man is gone. Through confirming and re-confirming, I constantly received the same results. I immediately thought of the words of Professor Mashupye Maserumule, Executive Dean at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT), when he wrote in a tribute to the late Professor Mpehle, in 2020, that "Death inflicts excruciating pain, so much so that a deathle