Even though Eurocentric intellectuals tend to theorise the worldview through the lens of "Western evolutionary progress rather than de-evolutionary retrogression", this article begs to take an Afrocentric perspective. Coerced to abandon their deeply entrenched indigenous knowledge systems (customary tenure), some indigenous people of South Africa consciously and inadvertently increasingly devolved their land heritage to the suzerain that benefited through oppressive land laws. The point raised at this juncture is that Africans were and/or are forced to 'transition', to 'change' and to 'transform' away from 'owning' and 'controlling' their communal lands. Because the suzerain systems of transition ushered African institutions and lands to the guillotine, we contend that this kind of transition is arrogant and dehumanising – a miscarriage of justice. Almost 25 years since the dawn