South Africa has a high youth unemployment rate. Small businesses are a crucial component of Local Economic Development (LED) initiatives because they have the ability to create jobs, dependent on local sources of raw materials, skills, niche markets, subcontracting to larger firms and have the ability to create jobs. The aim of this article is to discuss the research that was conducted to determine the capacity-building options for the youth-owned businesses in Mabopane Township to be included in Rosslyn Industrial Park's local economy. This is the first study that covers the local area of Mabopane Township and the Rosslyn Industrial Park, which is one of the biggest industrial hubs in the City of Tshwane, Gauteng province. The research falls in the ambit of LED Pillars 2, 3 and 4 of the National Framework for LED 2017-2022. The mixed-methods research included a quantitative survey of 46 youth-owned businesses from Mabopane Town