African states and governments appear to have imbibed a culture of mimicking what is in vogue in other climes, irrespective of whether it is in their interest or not. This has prompted what Fela Anikpolakpo Kuti (1976), a popular Afro-beat musician, refers to as "follow - follow" or "zombie" mentality, that is, a sheeplike and unguarded imitation of whatever other people do. The fad from the late 1950s through the 1960s to early 1970s was freedom and decoloniality. These were supplanted in the 1980s and 1990s by liberalisation and globalisation. In between these were major policy thrusts of African governments such as "development planning" in the 60s and 70s, "structural adjustment programmes" (SAPs) in the 80s, and "good governance" in the 90s. A glance at these policy focuses of African countries reveals that with the exception of decoloniality, the rest were dictated from outside